As Muslims, our faith is centered on our love and devotion to ALLAH (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) and our profound respect for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). But have you ever wondered why Islam places such a strong emphasis on loving and caring for our parents, especially our mum? In this blog, we’ll explore this intriguing question in a witty and thought-provoking manner.
Imagine a triangle with ALLAH at the top and your parents at the base corners. ALLAH is the pinnacle of our faith, and His love is unmatched. However, within this divine triangle, there is a beautiful connection between your parents and ALLAH’s pleasure.
The Power of a Mother’s Emotions:
ALLAH created mothers with incredible love and compassion for their children. When a mother is happy with her children, ALLAH is pleased with them too. But what happens when a mother’s heart is filled with sadness or anger due to her child’s negligence?
The Fearful Consequences:
A Frightening Scenario: Judgment Day
Imagine standing before ALLAH, trembling with fear, as your actions are scrutinized. You watch in dread as your good deeds are weighed against your bad deeds.
A Reminder of Divine Wisdom
So, why should you love your parents? Because ALLAH has tied their happiness to His pleasure, and their sadness or anger can invoke His wrath. The consequences of neglecting parents are grave, both in this world and the Hereafter. Remember, as you strive to be a better Muslim, nurturing the love and care for your parents is a crucial part of your journey. It’s a reminder of the divine wisdom that connects ALLAH, your parents, and you in a way that is both profound and awe-inspiring.
Certainly, let’s delve into five examples of ALLAH’s wrath in this world and the Hereafter, with a focus on the neglect of parents within a married couple and the importance of the wife’s role in upholding this responsibility:
1. Strained Marriage and Discord in the Family:
- Neglecting parents can lead to ALLAH’s wrath manifesting in a strained marriage. The husband’s disregard for his parents may cause conflicts between him and his wife, leading to a turbulent and unhappy household.
2. Financial Hardship and Loss of Blessings:
- ALLAH’s wrath may result in financial difficulties. The family may face financial hardships, despite their efforts, due to the neglect of their parents. This could include unexpected expenses, job losses, or business failures.
3. Health Problems and Stress:
- Neglecting parents can result in stress and health issues for both the husband and wife. ALLAH’s displeasure might manifest in physical and mental health problems, causing suffering and discomfort.
4. Struggles in Raising Children:
- If parents are neglected, ALLAH’s wrath may be seen in the struggles faced in raising children. The couple might find it challenging to instill good values in their own children when they themselves neglect the importance of respecting and caring for parents.
5. The Hereafter Consequences:
- The consequences in the Hereafter are the most severe. ALLAH’s wrath may lead to a difficult reckoning on the Day of Judgment, where the neglect of parents becomes a heavy burden. The couple may find themselves facing the terrifying consequences of their actions in the Hereafter.
The Role of the Wife:
- It’s important to emphasize that in Islam, the wife has a crucial role in upholding the responsibility of caring for her husband’s parents. She should encourage and support her husband in fulfilling his duties toward his parents. Neglecting this responsibility collectively as a married couple can invite ALLAH’s wrath.
In summary, neglecting parents can lead to ALLAH’s wrath, resulting in problems within the marriage, financial difficulties, health issues, challenges in raising children, and severe consequences in the Hereafter. Both spouses, especially the wife, play a pivotal role in ensuring that the rights and respect owed to parents are upheld within the family, ultimately seeking ALLAH’s pleasure and avoiding His wrath.
Shunning or neglecting one’s mother, in Islam, is a grave matter that can indeed lead to a range of worldly problems and difficulties. Let’s explore five of these problems in detail, including the concept of losing “Sirat al-Rahim” (the ties of kinship) with a mother:
1. Family Discord and Strained Relationships:
- Neglecting or shunning one’s mother can lead to severe family discord. The rift created between the individual and their mother can extend to other family members as well. Siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins may take sides, causing emotional distress and division within the family.
2. Emotional and Psychological Stress:
- Neglecting a mother can result in immense emotional and psychological stress. Guilt, remorse, and regret can plague the individual’s conscience, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of emptiness. Such emotional turmoil can affect one’s overall well-being.
3. Struggles in Personal and Professional Life:
- ALLAH’s displeasure due to mistreating one’s mother can manifest as difficulties in personal and professional life. The individual may face challenges in their career, including job loss, workplace conflicts, and financial instability. Personal relationships may also suffer, making it challenging to maintain friendships and social connections.
4. Health Problems and Physical Ailments:
- Neglecting a mother can result in health issues. ALLAH’s displeasure may manifest as physical ailments, such as chronic illnesses, fatigue, and pain. The stress and guilt associated with mistreating one’s mother can have a detrimental impact on physical health.
5. Loss of Sirat al-Rahim and Spiritual Consequences:
- Sirat al-Rahim, or maintaining ties of kinship, is a fundamental concept in Islam. Neglecting one’s mother represents a breach of these ties, and this can have serious spiritual consequences. ALLAH’s displeasure may lead to a loss of blessings and Barakah (divine blessings) in one’s life. The individual may find that their supplications are not answered, and their spiritual connection with ALLAH weakens.
Loss of Sirat al-Rahim:
- This concept emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong family bonds and treating relatives, especially parents, with kindness and respect. Neglecting or shunning one’s mother can lead to a break in these bonds, and ALLAH may withdraw His blessings from the individual’s life.
- This loss can result in a feeling of spiritual emptiness, a lack of contentment, and a sense of being distanced from ALLAH’s mercy. The individual may struggle to find peace in their prayers and acts of worship, as the rupture in family ties affects their connection with the Divine.
Shunning or neglecting one’s mother in Islam can indeed lead to a range of worldly problems, including family discord, emotional stress, personal and professional struggles, health issues, and spiritual consequences. It is essential for individuals to recognize the gravity of mistreating their mothers and strive to uphold the principles of kindness, respect, and love towards their parents as prescribed by Islam.
In Islam can have far-reaching consequences, including the potential to affect “Sirat al-Rahim” with other relatives. Here’s an expanded explanation:
6. Strained Relations with Other Relatives:
- Mistreating or neglecting one’s mother can lead to strained relations with other relatives as well. In Islam, maintaining ties of kinship, or “Sirat al-Rahim,” is a fundamental obligation. When a person shuns their mother, it sends a negative message to the extended family, signaling a disregard for family values and the importance of maintaining family bonds.
- Other relatives, such as siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins, may view this behavior unfavorably. They may be hesitant to interact with or support the individual who mistreats their own mother. This can lead to strained relationships and a breakdown in the broader family network.
Loss of Sirat al-Rahim with Relatives: (Read – Unlocking the Vault of Silatur-Rahim)
- Islam places great emphasis on the bonds between family members, and when these bonds are weakened, it can lead to a loss of blessings and Barakah (divine blessings) within the extended family.
- The consequences can include relatives distancing themselves, reduced support during times of need, and a general sense of disconnection within the family. It becomes challenging to maintain the unity and harmony that are essential for the well-being of the family as a whole.
In summary, neglecting or mistreating one’s mother can have a ripple effect on “Sirat al-Rahim” with other relatives. It can strain relations with extended family members, leading to a breakdown in the broader family network. It is a stark reminder of the importance of upholding family values and treating all relatives, especially parents, with kindness, respect, and love as prescribed by Islam.
Itis a grave matter in Islam and can be caused by various factors, although none of these factors justify such behavior. Here are some possible causes for neglecting a mother, the potential risks involved, and the blessings lost in such scenarios, along with solutions:
Causes for Neglecting a Mother:
- Selfishness and Materialism: In some cases, individuals may prioritize their personal interests, careers, or material pursuits over their responsibilities towards their parents, including their mother.
- Lack of Awareness: Some individuals may not fully comprehend the significance of respecting and caring for parents, particularly their mothers. Ignorance of the teachings of Islam regarding filial piety can lead to neglect.
- Cultural Influences: Cultural norms and influences may sometimes conflict with Islamic values, leading individuals to neglect their mothers due to societal pressures or expectations.
- Family Conflicts: Preexisting family conflicts or disputes can strain the relationship between an individual and their mother, leading to neglect as a way to avoid confrontation.
Blessings Lost:
- Barakah (Divine Blessings): Neglecting a mother can result in a loss of Barakah in one’s life, affecting personal and professional endeavors.
- Sirat al-Rahim: The ties of kinship (Sirat al-Rahim) are crucial in Islam. Neglecting one’s mother can lead to a rupture in these ties, causing a loss of blessings within the extended family.
- Peace and Contentment: Neglecting a mother can disrupt one’s inner peace and contentment. The absence of her blessings and prayers can affect an individual’s overall well-being.
- Educate Oneself: Individuals should seek knowledge about the teachings of Islam regarding filial piety and the importance of caring for parents, particularly the mother.
- Self-Reflection: Self-assessment and reflection can help individuals recognize any selfishness or materialism that may be driving neglect. They should prioritize family over material pursuits.
- Counseling and Mediation: In cases of family conflicts, seeking counseling or mediation can help address underlying issues and improve the relationship with one’s mother.
- Repentance and Reconciliation: If one has neglected their mother, sincere repentance (Tawbah) and reconciliation efforts are essential. Seek forgiveness, mend the relationship, and prioritize her care.
- Seek Guidance: Consult with knowledgeable individuals, scholars, or religious leaders for guidance on how to fulfill one’s responsibilities towards parents.
The causes for neglecting a mother may vary, but they do not justify such behavior. The risks involved, including ALLAH’s displeasure and emotional distress, far outweigh any temporary motivations. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and respect of one’s mother, recognizing the blessings and spiritual benefits that come with fulfilling this sacred duty in Islam.
A mother’s love is truly special and has the power to protect her children from both worldly difficulties and the wrath of Allah. Here’s how:
- Dua (Prayers): A mother’s heartfelt prayers for her children are like a shield. Her supplications to Allah for their well-being, guidance, and protection can have a profound impact. The sincerity and love in her prayers can move mountains.
- Taqwa (God-consciousness): A mother’s love often instills in her children a sense of taqwa, or God-consciousness. The fear of disappointing or hurting their beloved mother can deter them from sinful actions, helping them lead righteous lives.
- Moral Compass: A mother plays a crucial role in shaping her children’s moral compass. Her teachings about kindness, honesty, and empathy can guide them away from wrongdoing. This moral foundation can shield them from sinful choices that could incur Allah’s displeasure.
- Forgiveness: A mother’s love is often synonymous with forgiveness. When her children make mistakes or stray from the right path, she is more likely to forgive and guide them back. This compassion can prevent them from facing the immediate consequences of their actions.
- Intervention: A mother’s watchful eye and intuition can lead her to intervene when her children are heading down a harmful path. Her timely guidance and correction can redirect them towards righteousness, sparing them from the wrath of Allah.
- Repentance: A mother’s love can inspire her children to repent sincerely for their sins. Her emotional support and encouragement can make them more inclined to seek Allah’s forgiveness, which is a shield against His wrath.
- Patience and Perseverance: A mother’s unwavering love and patience during challenging times can help her children endure worldly hardships with resilience and faith. This resilience can protect them from despair and wrongdoing.
- A Bridge to Allah’s Mercy: A mother’s love is often seen as a reflection of Allah’s mercy. By honoring and cherishing their mothers, children show gratitude to Allah for the gift of maternal love. This can invite Allah’s mercy and protection into their lives.
In Islam, respecting and being dutiful to one’s mother is emphasized as a means of earning Allah’s pleasure and safeguarding oneself from His wrath. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the significance of a mother’s love and the importance of treating her with kindness and respect.
In essence, a mother’s love is a powerful force that not only enriches our lives but also acts as a shield against the trials of this world and the Hereafter, helping to keep us on the path of righteousness and Allah’s favor.
Here are five Quranic verses that emphasize the importance of parents, especially mothers:
- Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:15):
- “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.”
- Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:15):
- Surah Luqman (31:14):
- “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, while she was in her womb, in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.”
- Surah Luqman (31:14):
- Surah Al-Ankabut (29:8):
- “And We have enjoined upon man goodness to parents. But if they endeavor to make you associate with Me that of which you have no knowledge, do not obey them. To Me is your return, and I will inform you about what you used to do.”
- Surah Al-Ankabut (29:8):
- Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:15):
- “And We have enjoined upon man [care] for his parents. His mother carried him, [increasing her] in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning is in two years. Be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the [final] destination.”
- Surah Al-Ahqaf (46:15):
- Surah Al-Isra (17:23):
- “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ‘uff,’ and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”
- Surah Al-Isra (17:23):

These verses highlight the significance of showing kindness, gratitude, and respect to parents, with a special mention of the immense sacrifices made by mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and upbringing.
While the Quran is the primary source for guidance on parents’ respect and honor in Islam, there are also Hadiths (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him) that emphasize the importance of treating one’s parents, especially mothers, with kindness and respect. Here is a Hadith from Sahih al-Bukhari:
Narrated by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“May he be humiliated! May he be humiliated! May he be humiliated!” The Prophet was asked, “Who, O Allah’s Messenger?” He said, “The one whose parents, or one of them, reach old age during his lifetime and he does not enter Paradise.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
More Hadiths related to the importance of respecting and honoring parents:
- Narrated by Abdullah bin ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him): A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) seeking permission to participate in Jihad. The Prophet asked him, “Are your parents alive?” The man replied, “Yes.” The Prophet then said, “Then exert yourself in their service.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
- Narrated by Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him): A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked, “Who is most deserving of my good companionship?” The Prophet replied, “Your mother.” The man asked, “Then who?” The Prophet again said, “Your mother.” The man asked a third time, and the Prophet repeated, “Your mother.” When the man asked for the fourth time, the Prophet finally said, “Your father.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
- Narrated by Abdullah bin ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him): A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked, “I have committed a great sin. Can I repent?” The Prophet asked him, “Do you have a mother?” The man replied, “No, she has passed away.” The Prophet then asked, “Do you have an aunt?” The man replied, “Yes.” The Prophet advised him, “Then be good and kind to her.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
- Narrated by Abu Bakra (may Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Shall I inform you of the biggest of the great sins?” We said, “Yes, O Allah’s Messenger!” He said, “To join partners in worship with Allah and to be undutiful to one’s parents.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
These Hadiths emphasize the significance of serving and respecting parents and the elevated status of mothers in Islam. They also highlight the importance of seeking forgiveness and repentance for one’s actions, especially when it comes to matters related to parents.
While there are many examples in Islamic history and tradition that highlight the importance of respecting and not shunning parents, there may not be explicit accounts of individuals being severely punished by Allah for this specific transgression. Instead, the emphasis is on the moral and ethical teachings regarding parents’ rights.
However, here are four stories from Islamic tradition that emphasize the significance of honoring and respecting parents:
- The Story of Luqman (peace be upon him): Luqman was a wise man known for his wisdom and piety. In the Quran, there is a chapter named after him (Surah Luqman). He advised his son about the importance of not associating partners with Allah and being kind and obedient to his parents. While the story doesn’t mention a severe punishment, it emphasizes the wisdom and guidance imparted by parents to their children.
- The Story of Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him): Abdullah ibn Umar was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He once saw a man carrying his mother on his back while performing Hajj. The man asked Abdullah if, by doing so, he had repaid his mother for her efforts in raising him. Abdullah replied that he hadn’t even repaid her for one contraction during childbirth. This story illustrates the immense debt children owe to their parents.
- The Story of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him): Abu Huraira was another companion of the Prophet. He narrated a Hadith in which a man came to the Prophet seeking permission to join a military expedition. The Prophet asked if his parents were alive, and the man replied that his mother was alive. The Prophet advised him to stay with and serve his mother because “Paradise lies under her feet.” This Hadith underscores the high status of mothers in Islam.
- The Story of Uwais al-Qarni: Uwais al-Qarni was a devout Muslim known for his piety and devotion. He was unable to visit the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) due to his commitment to caring for his blind and paralyzed mother. Although there is no account of severe punishment for neglecting parents, Uwais’ story serves as a powerful example of devotion to parents’ care in Islam.
These stories emphasize the importance of honoring and respecting parents, particularly mothers, in Islam. While they may not explicitly mention severe punishments for neglect, they highlight the moral and ethical obligations placed on children regarding their parents’ rights.
In Islam, the importance of honoring and respecting parents is emphasized regardless of a person’s knowledge, piety, or religious status. The principle is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). Here’s why regardless of one’s religious standing, neglecting parents can incur Allah’s displeasure:
- Quranic Emphasis: The Quran contains numerous verses that highlight the duty of children to be kind, respectful, and obedient to their parents. For example, in Surah Al-Isra (17:23), Allah commands, “And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], ‘uff,’ and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”
- Prophet’s Guidance: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) placed immense importance on honoring parents. He famously said, “Paradise lies under the feet of your mother,” emphasizing the significance of a mother’s role in a person’s life.
- Universal Moral Principle: The duty to respect and care for parents is not exclusive to Islam but is a universal moral principle found in many cultures and religions. It reflects the natural order of life, where parents selflessly care for their children, and in return, children should care for their aging parents.
- Parental Sacrifices: Parents make countless sacrifices for their children, from childbirth and nurturing to providing love, guidance, and support. Neglecting or mistreating them is seen as a betrayal of their selfless devotion.
- Maintaining Family Bonds: Honoring parents helps maintain strong family bonds, which are essential for a healthy and harmonious society. Neglecting parents can lead to family discord and societal issues.
- Spiritual Growth: Acts of kindness and respect toward parents are considered acts of worship in Islam. Neglecting them not only harms family relationships but also hinders one’s spiritual growth and connection with Allah.
Regardless of a person’s knowledge or piety, neglecting parents is considered a grave sin in Islam because it contradicts the fundamental principles of love, respect, and gratitude that should exist between children and their parents. Allah’s displeasure can arise from any act of disobedience, and mistreating or neglecting parents is among the actions that are strongly discouraged and condemned in Islamic teachings.
A Real Life Story!
In a compelling and thought-provoking incident, a son, well-versed in the teachings of Islam, found himself entangled in a familial dispute with his mother. This dispute arose when his mother, perhaps unjustly, accused him of not loving her, causing him deep hurt and frustration. In his state of emotional turmoil, he made the decision to distance himself from her temporarily, believing that avoiding her would shield him from further anger and conflict resulting from this unfounded accusation.
As days passed and the son continued to stay away from his mother, an extraordinary event unfolded in the form of a vivid dream. In this dream, he found himself walking along a serene path basking in the gentle warmth of the sun. The peaceful scene turned unsettling as dark clouds and thunder rolled in, creating a sense of foreboding. In a dream, the son felt Allah’s anger, a clear sign of divine displeasure with his behavior towards his mother. Filled with fear and regret in the dream, the son apologized sincerely for mistreating his mother. Upon waking, the son was humbled by the dream, seeing it as a message from Allah that His anger should not be underestimated, especially when it involves neglecting one’s mother. After the dream, the son urgently sought forgiveness from Allah and took steps to mend his relationship with his mother, understanding the importance of family bonds and caring for parents in Islam.
This scenario underscores the profound ways in which Allah communicates His displeasure and guidance to His servants. It highlights the significance of maintaining strong, loving relationships with parents, particularly mothers, and the need to promptly seek forgiveness and make amends when familial disputes arise. Ultimately, it serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion, forgiveness, and piety in the eyes of Allah.
The scenario described is a powerful illustration of how Allah communicates His displeasure when one neglects or upsets their parents, especially their mother. In this dream, the son experienced a vivid and terrifying manifestation of Allah’s wrath, which served as a wake-up call and a profound lesson.
The dark clouds, thunder, and eerie atmosphere represent the sudden shift from a peaceful life to a turbulent and unsettling one. It signifies Allah’s displeasure and His readiness to bring about difficult circumstances in response to the son’s neglect of his mother’s feelings.
The son’s fear and realization of Allah’s anger in the dream highlight the severity of the situation. It shows that even if someone is knowledgeable in Islam, they are not immune to the consequences of disrespecting their parents, especially their mother. It serves as a reminder that piety and knowledge alone are insufficient; maintaining good relations with parents is equally crucial.
The dream’s impact on the son was profound. He woke up drenched in sweat, shaken by the vivid experience, and filled with remorse for his behavior towards his mother. This powerful dream prompted him to seek forgiveness from Allah and immediately visit his mother to seek her forgiveness as well.
This scenario underscores the importance of maintaining a strong and loving relationship with one’s parents, particularly one’s mother. It serves as a warning that Allah’s displeasure can manifest in various ways, even in our dreams, as a reminder of the significance of treating our parents with kindness, respect, and love. It also shows that seeking forgiveness and mending broken relationships can lead to spiritual healing and a renewed sense of piety.
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ya i agree. mum’s legitimate sadness can destray children life
While I understand the importance of honoring and respecting our parents in Islam, I believe it’s also crucial to acknowledge that conflicts and misunderstandings can arise in any relationship, including with our parents. In the story mentioned, the son’s initial decision to distance himself from his mother was likely a reaction to the hurtful accusation made against him. It’s essential to remember that parents, like anyone else, should strive for fair and loving communication with their children.
Islam encourages reconciliation and kindness towards parents, but it also recognizes that human emotions and relationships can be complex. Instead of focusing solely on the fear of Allah’s wrath, I believe we should also emphasize the importance of open and honest communication within families, seeking understanding, and resolving conflicts in a peaceful and respectful manner. Allah’s mercy is vast, and while we should avoid causing our parents sadness or harm, we should also remember His capacity for forgiveness and compassion in difficult situations
Balancing our immense love for our parents with our unwavering devotion to ALLAH is a testament to our faith. Recognizing that every ounce of love and care from our mothers is a blessing from Him allows us to cherish both simultaneously. May our gratitude reflect in our actions.
Having deep love for ALLAH and cherishing the love for one’s mother are not mutually exclusive. Our Creator teaches us the value of kinship and gratitude. Loving our mothers, who are blessings in our lives, is a reflection of understanding and living by divine principles. May our hearts overflow with love for both.
ALLAH’s love encompasses all, and it’s through His guidance that we learn to cherish and honor our loved ones, especially our mothers. While our faith centers around ALLAH, it also teaches us the invaluable role of a mother’s love and sacrifice. Both love forms are deep and complementary, guiding our hearts and actions.
Balancing our immense love for our parents with our unwavering devotion to ALLAH teaches us about the depth and layers of love. While we cherish the unconditional love of our mothers, our bond with ALLAH remains paramount. Both relationships guide and enrich our lives in unique ways.
Balancing love for our parents with our unwavering devotion to ALLAH is a journey of understanding. Recognizing the blessings and lessons in both relationships deepens our gratitude. It reminds us that while ALLAH is our ultimate source of strength and guidance, He also places love and light in our lives through our parents.
Love My Mum? When ALLAH is Everything to Me” beautifully encapsulates the deep reverence and love one holds for their faith. It reminds us of the profound connection between spirituality and our relationships, emphasizing that divine love can coexist with our love for family. A heartfelt expression of faith and love. 🙏❤️